Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

Recent Blog Posts

Handling the Holidays After Gray Divorce

 Posted on December 15, 2023 in Divorce

Blog ImagePeople who have been married for decades often struggle with the first holiday season after separating from their spouse. If you are an older adult getting divorced, you might be dreading the holidays because you are not quite sure what to do. You have likely spent the majority of your adult life celebrating the holidays with your spouse and children if you have them. Spending the holidays differently can be a big adjustment. Many seniors going through the divorce process are unsure how to approach the holidays. Although you do not need to create a parenting plan for your adult children, you may need to figure out which parent is hosting the holiday and where the children will be. This can feel very difficult, but you can adjust to the change if you keep an open mind and are willing to be flexible. A Northville, MI, divorce lawyer can offer further advice

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Divorcing a Mentally Ill Spouse

 Posted on December 06, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerThe vast majority of people who suffer from a mental illness live perfectly normal lives and form perfectly normal and healthy relationships. However, some severe mental illnesses can make it very difficult to remain married to a sufferer. If your spouse has serious mental health issues and you can no longer wait for them to start taking treatment seriously, divorce can give you the legal protections you need to make a clean break. Divorcing someone with major mental health issues can be challenging in a number of ways. They may make you feel as if you are “abandoning” them or make empty gestures like making a therapy appointment they do not intend to follow through with. It may also try to prevent or stall the divorce - or at least make it as difficult as possible for you. Good legal representation is important in these cases. It is best to have your divorce managed by an experienced Michigan divorce lawyer

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Divorce Issues Affecting Older Adults

 Posted on November 30, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerDivorce can be difficult for adults of all ages. Even for young spouses whose marriages did not last very long, many different issues need to be addressed during divorce proceedings. Older adults who are getting divorced often have a rather different set of concerns. Nearly everything they own will likely be marital property - including retirement savings. While those undergoing gray divorce are often more mature and capable of compromise than their younger counterparts, they often face higher stakes. While a young adult could likely return to school or learn a trade, a senior citizen may not be able to re-enter the workforce at all due to age-related disability. It is essential that these individuals be represented by a passionate and skilled Michigan divorce attorney who has experience with gray divorce. 

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What Does a Guardian Ad Litem Do?

 Posted on November 22, 2023 in Family Law

MI custody lawyerSome parents become nervous when they find out that a guardian ad litem has been assigned to their child custody case. If you have been informed that a guardian ad litem will be involved, you should know that this is perfectly normal. A GAL is brought in almost every time a child custody case is contested. Really, the only way to avoid having one brought in is to agree to a parenting plan with your child’s other parent. A GAL is there to help the court determine what type of parenting time arrangement and allocation of parental responsibilities would be best for your child. A judge can only learn so much by asking your child a few questions in court, but a GAL can conduct a much more thorough investigation. It is important to be represented by a well-qualified child custody lawyer during these proceedings. 

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Tips for Divorce as a Young Adult

 Posted on November 15, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerLast week, we discussed the benefits of getting divorced as an older adult in our blog. While adults over 50 might have certain advantages in divorce, so do young adults. Younger adults who get divorced are far more likely to have strong social support already in place and also more likely to remarry. However, getting divorced when you are a young adult can also be difficult. If you are only in your 20s or early 30s when you begin the Michigan divorce process, you might feel as if your life has been launched into chaos. Most people who get divorced at this age got married quite young and have not truly experienced adult life without their spouse. You may also experience issues like not qualifying for spousal support, even if you were a homemaker. If you are getting divorced young, it is very important to have an experienced divorce attorney representing your interests. 

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The Advantages of Gray Divorce

 Posted on November 03, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce laywerA lot of older adults are afraid to get divorced. This is especially true for those who married young and have been with their spouse for decades. They might have complex marital property to divide equitably. It can take a bit of courage to get divorced after 50. There are certain disadvantages older adults face during divorce, like suddenly having to learn how to do the things you depended on your spouse for most of your adult life. However, there are also some distinct advantages of gray divorce. You may not have some of the challenges or complications younger adults do, and you may have an easier time compromising than less mature individuals. If you are planning to proceed with a gray divorce, you should be represented by your own Oakland County attorney even if the split is amicable. It is wise to have a lawyer who knows your rights there to protect them. 

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Options for Business Owners Getting Divorced

 Posted on October 20, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerHaving a family business can be a joy or a headache depending on how things are going. If your marriage is heading towards divorce, you may have some concerns regarding what will happen to the family business. Fortunately, there are quite a few options for family business owners who are filing for divorce. Different solutions will work for different people. What type of solution is likely to work best for you depends on a lot of factors, including how amicable your relationship is and whether you have children who will one day take over the business. Your priorities play a large role in deciding how to divide up your company fairly. If you and your spouse own a business together, it is important that you each have your own legal representation. You will want a Michigan divorce attorney looking out for your personal interests. 

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Who Can Get Spousal Support in Michigan?

 Posted on October 13, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerIf you have been a homemaker or your spouse has been the primary breadwinner, getting divorced can be particularly stressful. You may have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle during your marriage. You may no longer have the professional or trade skills you would need to successfully re-enter the workforce right away. In fact, you might be worried about how you will pay for your basic necessities like housing and food after leaving your spouse. This is where spousal support comes in. Courts do not want anyone to find themself homeless or in need of public assistance because they got divorced. If you would face a financial crisis without it, you might be eligible to receive short or long-term spousal support. A Michigan divorce attorney can assess your situation and help determine whether to demand alimony. 

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Can My Child Decide Which Parent to Live With?

 Posted on October 13, 2023 in Family Law

MI custody lawyerWhile a child does not get to decide which parent to live with, courts can take a child’s preferences into account. Michigan child custody laws require judges to consider a variety of factors in order to determine what type of custody arrangement would be best for the child. The law is very clear that all decisions regarding child custody are to be made based on the child’s best interests. What a child wants may be important in making this decision. If a child is adamant that they want to live with one parent, forcing them to live with the other might not be good for the child. However, courts are also aware that children do not always know what is best for them. Your attorney can help you understand how your child’s wishes may play a role in the court’s decision. 

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How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

 Posted on October 05, 2023 in Divorce

MI divorce lawyerThere are several types of divorce mediation spouses can choose from. In some styles of divorce mediation, the spouses never have to see each other face to face. Even if you and your spouse are in serious conflict and do not feel that you can be around each other, divorce mediation may still work for you. Another, more traditional, type of mediation involves bringing the spouses together for a meeting with both of their attorneys and a mediator. Mediation can also take place through virtual services. When mediation is done virtually, the spouses may communicate, but without the added stress of being in the same room. Using mediation can speed up the legal divorce process as well. Your divorce lawyer can help you decide what type of divorce mediation is best for you. 

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