Brighton Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Brighton Divorce Attorneys You Can Trust
Divorce is an incredibly difficult life event that can be filled with conflict and turmoil. The traditional litigation process of divorce involves attorneys advocating for their clients' interests in a courtroom setting, which can easily become hostile and adversarial. Fortunately, there are options available to divorcing couples that allow them to settle disputes without going to court. Through collaborative divorce, both parties will have an opportunity to openly discuss their goals while addressing their underlying issues, and they can work together to reach agreements on important matters while minimizing conflict and preserving relationships.
Attorney Symantha Heath understands the benefits of collaborative divorce as a viable alternative to litigation. If you are considering divorce, we can advise you of your options and help you determine whether the collaborative process may be a good fit for your situation. With our understanding of Michigan's divorce laws and our experience advocating on behalf of our clients, we can help you work together with your spouse to negotiate a divorce settlement that will meet your needs.
What Is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce, which is also known as collaborative law, is an alternative dispute resolution process that allows a couple to settle their divorce case out of court. It is a cooperative, non-adversarial approach where each party works with their own attorney to negotiate the terms of their divorce settlement and address the outstanding issues in their case. During the collaborative process, couples may work with other professionals, such as financial analysts, divorce coaches, and child custody evaluators to determine the best ways to handle different divorce-related issues.
The collaborative divorce process begins with both parties signing a participation agreement. This agreement states that the divorce will be settled out of court, and both parties will agree to cooperate in good faith as they work together to negotiate a divorce settlement. It also ensures the confidentiality of any information shared during negotiations.
The parties' attorneys will also sign the agreement, which will state that if the parties cannot resolve the issues in dispute, both attorneys will withdraw from the case, and the parties will need to find new attorneys to represent them in divorce litigation. This will encourage the spouses and their attorneys to compromise and resolve their differences in order to avoid additional time and expenses related to litigation.
Benefits Of Collaborative Divorce
The collaborative divorce process can offer numerous benefits over traditional divorce litigation, including:
- Limiting the conflict and hostility that can be present during divorce litigation
- Reducing the time and costs needed to complete a divorce
- Allowing a couple to craft a divorce settlement that will meet their individual needs and goals while also addressing the needs of children or other family members
- Protecting the privacy of a family and avoiding conflict in a public courtroom
- Encouraging cooperation between spouses, which can be especially beneficial for parents who will be sharing custody of children
- Keeping control of the divorce process in the hands of the parties
Ultimately, a collaborative divorce can help reduce the stress of divorce and ensure that you will be able to end your marriage successfully while laying the foundation for continued cooperation with your ex-spouse in the future. With the right attorney on your side, you can make sure your rights and interests will be protected as you negotiate a divorce settlement, and you can be prepared to move forward successfully once your marriage has been legally dissolved.
Contact Our Brighton Collaborative Divorce Lawyers
If you are considering divorce and are interested in exploring alternative dispute resolution in order to minimize the conflict and difficulty of the divorce process, attorney Symantha Heath can help you determine whether collaborative divorce is right for you. We have extensive experience helping couples settle their divorce cases out of court through the collaborative divorce process, and we can advise you on whether this may be an appropriate solution for your situation. Contact us today at 248-344-9700 to arrange a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you during your divorce.