Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

Tips for Life After Gray Divorce

 Posted on September 21,2023 in Divorce

Novi, MI divorce lawyerGray divorce is becoming more and more common. As the population in general begins to live longer and healthier lives, older couples are beginning to see more benefits to getting divorced even when they are older. If you are in your late fifties or sixties, you may have many more years of healthy life ahead of you to enjoy without the burden of an unwanted marriage. Many gray divorcees go on to remarry, or even raise children again. 

Many older adults worry about what their day-to-day life and social activities will look like after a divorce. It is likely that you and your spouse have a lot of friends and family members in common after many years of marriage. It has likely been a long time since you were single, and it is normal to have fears. You may worry about things like being lonely, or not having the type of help with daily tasks your spouse used to provide. 

None of this should be a barrier to filing for divorce. You should know that there are steps you can take to help you enjoy your post-divorce years. An attorney can help you plan for success after your divorce. 

Being Happy After Divorce as an Older Adult 

Much of your identity likely revolves around who you were as a married person. You likely attended social activities, religious services, and shared hobbies with your spouse. The time period after gray divorce is a time for you to get to know yourself as an individual again. Tips for living your best life after gray divorce include: 

  • Join groups - Choose something you are interested in and join a local club or group based on your interest. This could be a community service organization, a sewing circle, a hiking club, or a political advocacy organization. This not only gets you out of the house and keeps you busy, but also allows you to meet new friends. 

  • Develop your own hobbies - You likely had your own hobbies and interests before you got married, and you may have given them up. Now is the time to get reacquainted with what you personally like to do. There are often strong hobby-based communities. 

  • Consider moving - If you do not have strong ties to your community such as family living in the area, you may consider moving to a new area. You may like to live closer to your grandchildren or other family members, or it may be the perfect time to retire to Florida like you always wanted to. 

There are many ways to enjoy life even more after your divorce. 

Contact a Novi Divorce Lawyer

Elkouri Heath, PLC can help you plan to have the best life possible after divorce. Our committed Novi divorce attorneys will strive to simplify your divorce so you can focus on your new beginning. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.

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