Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

Should I Choose an Open Adoption in Michigan?

 Posted on November 14,2019 in Family Law

Novi, MI family law attorney open adoption

Adoption offers a way for a person or a family to provide a loving home to a child in need. The choice to adopt a child can be one of the most rewarding decisions an individual or a couple ever makes. If you plan to adopt in Michigan, you will need to decide whether you want to pursue a private adoption, adoption through a private or public agency, an international adoption, foster care adoption, or another avenue. You will also want to consider if you want a closed or an open adoption. Regardless of the type of adoption you choose, it is essential to hire an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the process. Below are a few of the pros and cons of open adoption.

Advantages of an Open Adoption

In an open adoption, the adoptive child can be in contact with his or her birth parents or birth family, and they may even spend time with these family members on a regular basis. There are many benefits to having an open adoption. In some cases, adoptive children who do not know their birth parents lack a feeling of belonging. They may wonder what their adoptive parents are like or question why they were placed for adoption in the first place. Open adoption can give adoptive children answers to these questions and help them gain a greater sense of personal identity. Having an open adoption may widen the circle of support in the child’s life, and it can also provide the adoptive parents with love and support.

Disadvantages of an Open Adoption

Having an open adoption can sometimes lead to boundary issues and other problems. For example, the adoptive family and birth family may disagree about how much time the child should spend with his or her biological relatives. In some situations, birth parents may have a drug or alcohol addiction or other issues that could pose a safety concern. The adoptive parents may need to limit contact between the adoptive parents to only phone calls or letters, which can cause conflict. If a child has been placed up for adoption because the birth parents lost their parental rights due to abandonment, neglect, or abuse, open adoption may do more harm than good. Ultimately, adoptive parents should make the decision about whether to have an open or closed adoption based on what they believe is in the child’s best interest.

Contact a Farmington Hills Adoption Lawyer

Adopting a child in Michigan is a complex legal process, regardless of whether it is an open or closed adoption. If you want to learn more about the adoption process and whether you qualify as an adoptive parent, or if you have questions about a stepparent adoption, contact the skilled legal team at Elkouri Heath PLC today. We have handled numerous family law cases, and we know the legal steps you will need to follow to achieve your dream of becoming a parent. To schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable and compassionate Oakland County family law attorneys, call us today at 248-344-9700. 


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