Relocating with Your Child After Divorce
Every divorced or separated parent who wants to move away with a child has his or her reasons. Some parents just want a fresh start. Others want to be closer to family, to provide better opportunities for the child, or to be a safe distance away from an abusive co-parent. When you ask the court to relocate with your child over the other parent’s objections, your reasons for wanting to move matter a great deal. An experienced Northville, MI child relocation attorney can help you present the best arguments possible in favor of the move you have planned.
Moving to Be Near Family
When you are transitioning from being a two-parent household to a single-parent household, it is only natural to want to go live where you and your child will have family nearby to help out. Courts generally place a high importance on family relationships. If being near your child’s grandparents or aunts and uncles will be good for your child, the court is more likely to approve your relocation. For example, if your child will spend less time in daycare and more time being cared for by family members, this will probably be considered an improvement in your child’s quality of life.
Distancing Yourself From a Violent Co-Parent
Your safety and your child’s safety are extremely important considerations. If your lawyer can help you show the court that your co-parent has engaged in domestic violence against you or has been violent toward your child, the court will likely support you in relocating. Putting physical distance between your violent co-parent and you and your child can help keep you both safe.
Moving to Provide Better Opportunities for Your Child
Wanting to move primarily for the sake of your child is one of the strongest arguments a parent can make. Reasons a parent might move mainly to benefit his or her child include:
- Being able to send your child to a school that can provide a better education or is more tailored to his or her individual needs,
- Going to live near a specialized hospital or medical center that is uniquely suited to treat a medical problem your child has,
- Leaving an impoverished or high-crime area that offers little opportunity,
- Allowing your child to advance in an extracurricular activity, like ballet or gymnastics, in which he or she has shown great promise.
Contact an Oakland County, MI Child Relocation Lawyer
Elkouri Heath, PLC is committed to helping parents help their children by relocating to improve their lives. Our dedicated Northville, MI parental relocation attorneys have been serving families for over 25 years. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.