Keeping Your Divorce Amicable
An amicable divorce can be much less stressful than a contentious divorce. If you and your spouse are not in a state of high conflict but have determined together that you would both be better off ending the marriage, you are likely headed for an amicable divorce. In all likelihood, you can accomplish this type of divorce outside of court with the help of a certified domestic relations mediator or sometimes with just the help of your Novi, MI, divorce attorneys. However, you should be aware that some divorces begin amicably and turn hostile during the process after a disagreement. A friendly divorce can become heated if it turns out that each spouse has different expectations about how the issues should be resolved or if new information that creates conflict is brought to light during the process. You should always be represented by counsel during a divorce, no matter how amicable it may be at the outset.
Approaching an Amicable Divorce
In many cases, by the time one party officially files for divorce, both parties already have a fairly good understanding of how they would like to address the division of property and their co-parenting duties. If this is the case, your lawyers may be able to simply put your existing agreements into writing and finalize your divorce very quickly. There may be a few legal details you had not considered that your lawyers will know to include in your agreement.
If you do not have a working agreement, you might benefit from mediation. A trained mediator can take you through your options, issue by issue.
When Amicable Divorces Stop Being Amicable
Just because your divorce begins amicably does not mean it will end that way. Spouses often run into unforeseen issues that create conflict while trying to resolve their divorce cordially. You may find out that your spouse has been hiding money or has entered a new relationship suspiciously quickly. Or, you may realize that both of you assumed you would be getting the house or that the children would live with you.
This is one of the many reasons spouses getting divorced amicably are advised to each have their own attorneys. If you enter a state of conflict during your divorce, it is best to already have your own lawyer who is familiar with the situation and can take over negotiations or contest the divorce on your behalf.
Contact an Oakland County, MI, Divorce Lawyer
Elkouri Heath, PLC is committed to helping people get divorced under a wide variety of circumstances. Our dedicated Novi, MI, divorce attorneys can help with the most amicable or most contentious divorces. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a free consultation.