Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

How to Tackle Tech After A Divorce

 Posted on April 20,2019 in Divorce

Oakland County Divorce lawyer .jpgDeciding to get a divorce can be one of the hardest decisions you have to make. Equally as hard is the fallout from that decision. An amicable divorce process is possible, but not everyone can be so lucky. Whether the breakup was on mutual or harsh terms, it is imperative for both parties to begin to separate their property. Your tech life can hurt or help the divorce process. so it is important to comb through your online presence in order to make sure it is in your favor. Here are some tips to help.

Reset Your Passwords

This may come as an obvious answer, but once you’ve decided to go through with your divorce, it is important to change all the passwords on the accounts you want to keep for yourself. Your partner most likely knows most of your account passwords whether that be for bills, bank accounts, or simple streaming devices. If the break-up is ugly, it is crucial to change these passwords immediately so that no damage can be done. A key to a strong password is to use a password generator, which will be completely random. This will prevent your ex by guessing your password based on personal information (birthday, anniversary date, etc)

Backup What You Want to Keep

It is common in most households for families to share electronic devices such as a tablet or expensive computer. When splitting assets, you might not get to keep all the electronics. Make sure you backup everything on a hard drive you want to keep like documents, photos and tax info. Afterward, restore the settings to factory settings so your ex can’t take any of your files for personal use.

Vet Your Social Media

This is especially crucial if you have children and are determining custody. Most of us forget that social media is a public forum, and what we publish can be seen by everybody. Even private pages can be viewed by people who may be called to testify in your case. Does your social media show tweets or pictures that showcase you in an unflattering light? If they were shown in court, would be they be used against you? You may need to remove such posts so your social media presence can show your best self both online and in real life.

Contact an Oakland County Divorce Attorney

These are a few of many steps you can take in order to protect yourself in your divorce. If you need help with your divorce, call our skilled Oakland County divorce lawyers today.  Elkouri Heath, PLC will represent your interests in court and against opposing counsel to the fullest extent allowed by law. For a complimentary initial consultation, call us at 248-344-9700. 




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