Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

3 Common Causes of Divorce

 Posted on August 02,2019 in Divorce

Novi, MI divorce attorneyWhile marriages are usually intended to last forever, many do not make it that far. When a marriage ends in divorce, there are usually a variety of factors that led to its demise. Some couples grow apart; others realize their compatibility does not last an entire lifetime. Each couple may be unique, but studies have shown that many divorcing couples experience similar issues that lead to the breakdown of their marriage. These include:

1. Refusal to Work on Mental Health Issues

Many individuals suffer from mental health issues, yet some refuse to seek professional help. If one partner is dealing with a mental illness such as anxiety or depression, their actions not only affect themselves but their spouse and other family members as well. The other spouse may struggle to understand their partner’s struggles, especially if they do not appear to be taking active steps to improve. If one spouse refuses to seek professional help for a mental illness, the impact on their relationship can be detrimental and eventually lead to divorce. 

2. Dangerous Addictions

In a marriage, it is important for couples to prioritize their relationship and the life they are building together. For those that struggle with substance abuse, it can be easy for their marriage to get placed on the back burner. A spouse's personality may change when they are drinking, or they may become dangerous as a result of their drug use, and in many cases, it is unlikely that they will willingly stop using the substances. The other spouse may feel neglected, and they may even suffer physical and emotional abuse, or their spouse may waste marital funds in pursuit of their addictions. As a result of these issues, many spouses will eventually see divorce as their best option.

3. Infidelity

If one partner is caught cheating, that act can cause lasting damage to the relationship. Some relationships are able to bounce back from infidelity. Spouses may choose to attend couples' counseling and work to rebuild trust, but it can be difficult for many couples to move past the mistake. If cheating continues, or if the damage to the relationship is irreparable, divorce may be the ultimate solution. 

Contact a Farmington Hills Divorce Attorney

Divorce is difficult for everyone, but it is also an opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. While the decision may be difficult to make, it can be the best choice for couples experiencing problems similar to those listed above, or for anyone else whose relationship is beyond repair. The lawyers at Elkouri Heath, PLC assist clients in resolving conflicts in even the most contentious divorce cases. If you are considering filing for divorce, contact our Novi, MI divorce lawyers at 248-344-9700 for a free consultation.



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