What Are the Benefits of Mediation in Divorce?
A divorce is mentally and emotionally exhausting and is one of the most challenging things an individual can go through. Many couples turn to mediation as a helpful technique to address complex issues like alimony and creating a parenting plan. An experienced attorney with Elkouri Heath, PLC can act as your mediator, or can represent you in your divorce case.
What Are the Advantages of Mediation in a Divorce?
The court system encourages couples to use mediation and typically will not allow a case to proceed to litigation without attempting mediation first. The court provides a list of approved mediators, but if you and your spouse believe hiring a private mediator is in your best interest, you can do so. Here are a few significant benefits of utilizing mediation in your divorce process:
Productive communication - Open communication allows spouses to discuss sensitive topics like spousal support, child custody, and distribution of assets knowing they can get their perspective heard.
Increases chances of better co-parenting - Divorcing parents can use mediation to focus on the welfare of their children.
Reduces legal costs - Couples can save money by resolving disputes in mediation instead of litigating their case in court.
Usually resolves faster - Compared to litigation, mediation encourages compromises outside of court, allowing couples to resolve their issues more quickly.
Couples have more control: When a divorce goes through litigation, the judge decides for the couple instead of each couple coming up with a customized agreement in the mediation process.
What Are the Disadvantages of Mediation in a Divorce?
Mediation requires both partners to be actively engaged in solving their problems. It is not advised in cases with a history of abuse or domestic violence. Mediation may also not be in your best interest if your spouse is manipulative, or tries to establish control and make all the decisions. Even if you feel as though mediation is the right choice for you, you should still make sure you have legal representation to ensure your divorce settlement is in your best interests.
Contact a Novi, MI Divorce Lawyer
You can learn more about mediation and how it can help your case by contacting an Oakland County Divorce Attorney. We can act as a mediator or a separate attorney for your divorce. Our experienced legal team at Elkouri Heath, PLC can protect your rights and assist you through the taxing and complicated divorce process. Call 248-344-9700 to schedule a free consultation.