Unexpected Emotional Effects of Divorce in Michigan
Elkouri Heath, PLC recognizes the emotional impact divorce can have. You might expect to feel certain emotions, like sadness, anger, or even happiness if the divorce has been expected or desired for a long time. Other feelings can take you - and your children, if you have them - by surprise. It is normal to feel stressed while you are going through a divorce, especially if it is a high-conflict divorce and you may be going to court. It is important to take the time for self-care during and after the process so that you can experience all that being free from an unworkable marriage has to offer. An experienced Novi, MI, divorce lawyer can help you address the legal side of your divorce so that you can focus on your emotional well-being.
Feelings That May Surprise You During Divorce
Some of the surprising feelings people may experience during divorce include:
- Missing your spouse or regret - It is extremely common for people who are getting divorced to miss their spouse at first, even if you strongly disliked being married to him or her. These feelings are especially common in women who were subjected to abuse or domestic violence during their marriages. Most people see these feelings start to fade away within several months of separation.
- Tension between you and your children - Children have a wide variety of emotional reactions to divorce. Do not be surprised if your children begin “acting out” by arguing with you, blaming you or your spouse, or breaking rules. This can create tension between children and their parents.
- Self-doubt - You may begin to question whether divorce was the right decision, no matter how confident in your choice you were when you filed. You may also begin to question whether you will be able to manage everything on your own without your spouse there. As you gain confidence living on your own, these feelings usually go away over time.
- A newfound passion for life - Once you and your spouse are no longer living together, you might begin to experience a strong desire to go out and do new things, re-engage in forgotten hobbies, or form new friendships and explore new interests. Divorce can allow you to reconnect with who you are as an individual.
If you are really struggling with any unexpected or expected feelings, it is always a good idea to seek help from a mental health professional.
Contact an Oakland County, MI, Divorce Attorney
Elkouri Heath, PLC offers compassionate representation and personal attention to each of our divorce clients. Our dedicated and caring Novi, MI, divorce lawyers will do all we can to help you stay strong during the process. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.