How To Establish Paternity in Michigan
When a married couple has a child together, the husband of the woman who gave birth to the child is automatically considered the child’s father in the eyes of the law. The father does not need to take any action to establish paternity and become the child’s official parent. However, the same is not true for unmarried couples. If you are an unmarried father who wishes to become your child’s legal parent, you will have to take some steps to officially establish the parent-child relationship.
Establishing Parentage Can Benefit Your Child in Many Ways
Even if you know that you are the biological parent of your child, there are several benefits of formally establishing parentage or paternity. Establishing paternity can give your child a better sense of self and open the doors for them to form a relationship with extended family. Furthermore, establishing paternity allows your child to benefit from your:
- Health insurance
- Inheritance
- Pensions
- Social security
- Veteran’s benefits
A child whose father has established paternity will also be able to access the father’s medical history, which can be extremely important if the child experiences certain health concerns.
Options for Establishing Paternity in Michigan
There are several ways that fathers can formally establish paternity. The simplest way is for parents to sign a document called an “Affidavit of Parentage.” This document is typically available at the hospital when the child is born. You can also contact the Michigan Department of Human Services to receive an Affidavit of Parentage. If you are a mother who wishes to collect child support from your child’s father, paternity must first be established. If the child’s father does not voluntarily sign the Affidavit of Parentage, you may need to establish paternity through a paternity case. You and the child’s father may be asked to take a DNA test to prove your biological relationship with the child. You may also need to attend a paternity hearing in order to establish paternity and start receiving financial support from the child’s father.
Contact a Farmington Hills Paternity Lawyer
Elkouri Heath, PLC, can assist you with a wide variety of family law needs. Whether you are a father who wishes to establish paternity for the benefit of your child or you are a parent who wants to pursue child support, our experienced attorneys can help. Schedule a free, confidential consultation with an Oakland County family law attorney by calling our office at 248-344-9700 today.